Saturday, November 1, 2014

Mi Historia

Hola , mi nombre es Mayra Vaquera y tengo 20 años de edad y les invito a conocer mi historia a travès de este medio . Este sitio de interacción fue creado para conocer y que aprendan mas sobre nuestras historias en el transcurso de aprendizaje como es en el camino de aprender Inglèscomo nuestra segunda lengua .

Wednesday, September 24, 2014


“A woman who writes has power, and a woman with power is feared.”

Apply , Apply , Apply !


You are not Alone todo lleva su tiempo y Practica . Un ejemplo Sandra Cosneros . Si se puede !

Are you the next Sandra Cisneros ?What do you guys think?

"I was a terrible student. Still, I managed to get into college, but my daydreaming threatened to sabotage me. I used behavior modification to break the cycle. I started by setting an arbitrary time limit on studying: for every 15 minutes of study, I'd allow myself an hour of daydreaming. I set the alarm. "
   - Sandra Cisneros

Mexican American Studies ! A Great Way to Embrace your Culture and Literacy

Consider this as an option to complement the understanding of your Culture and literacy .

Monday, April 28, 2014



                         The Changing Face of America

                                           " We’ve become a country where
                                           race is no longer so black or white".
                                                                   - By Lise Funderburg


 “We call him a Blaxican,” she jokes, and says she and her husband are raising him in a home where Martin Luther King, Jr., is displayed next to Frida Kahlo.

                                                                Photograph by Martin Schoeller
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